magical circle

The Magical Circle

Inspiring and unique persons in my personal circle; entrepreneurs with a philosophy, character, wisdom and happy to add value.

My admiration for them: for their courage, ideas and trust doing things differently. But most important:

--> expanding boundaries for new perspectives!

Explore this bubbling page: it might be inspirational for you too!

And keep on checking here: the Magical Circle is growing every day...

Follow the activities of the Magical Circle

Architecture & Development & Experience Design


Holistic & Healing & Coaching

Hospitality & Culinary

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Agent for Silverquarzite Experiences 

Magical Places is Member of :  

*Agency, Transformational Travel Transformational experiences, Hotel transformations,  Luxury Hotellerie *Marketing strategies *High end hospitality projects *Interior design *Holistic spa ' *guest journey *User experience (UX) design, silverquarzite experience